Som eventplanerare eller projektledare vet du att ett lyckat event inte handlar om magi – det handlar om noggrann planering och struktur. Men vad händer när de system och verktyg som ska stötta ditt arbete istället blir en distraktion?
Vi på Invajo är stolta över att vara en del av Bazaren 2025 där vi hanterade incheckning och badgeutskrift för de 800 personer som jobbade i montrarna som utställare. Drygt 10 000 besökare utforskade möjligheter inom jobb, studier och starta eget företag.
As we reflect on our participation in Transportforum 2025, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to such a significant event. This year marked yet another successful collaboration, where we were honored to provide the abstract submission and review system, as well as the conference app, for VTI and Transportforum on behalf of Grand Travel. With over 1,100 professionals gathering in Linköping, the conference served as a powerful platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and exploring the future of transportation.
The World Aquatic Development Conference (WADC) 2025 has wrapped up with great success, leaving participants motivated and equipped to face the challenges of coaching, training, or competing as professional swimmers. Invajo Beyond played an important role in streamlining the event. Held in Lund, Sweden, the conference welcomed over 350 in-person participants from across the globe, alongside virtual attendees connecting through Invajo’s Virtual Platform
Vi är stolta över att ha stöttat den prestigefyllda Baldergalan 2024 med sömlösa incheckningslösningar, från blixtsnabb utskrift av namnskyltar till en skräddarsydd eventapp. Positiv feedback från deltagarna som lyfte fram bekvämligheten och smidigheten i processen, gjorde denna gala verkligen oförglömlig för oss.
Vi är glada över denna nya uppdatering i Invajo Classic! Du kan nu behandla återbetalningar för kortbetalningar via Stripe direkt på plattformen. Oavsett om det handlar om delåterbetalningar för specifika bokningsalternativ eller fullständiga återbetalningar för hela beställningar, förenklar den här nya funktionen transaktionshanteringen.
Förra veckan, från 20 november till 22 november, ägde ESCAIDE 2024 rum på Munchenbryggeriet i Stockholm. Vi har haft förmånen att vara involverade i ESCAIDE i flera år, och återigen var vi glada över att vara en del av detta viktiga evenemang.
Invajos Catrin och Lovisa deltog i en inspirerande och viktig kväll på Dramaten, som arrangerades av den ideella organisationen Storasyster. Läs mer om kvällen och det väsentliga arbete som Storasyster gör.
Igår deltog vi i en utställning som gjorde det möjligt för oss att uppleva fotografering bortom synen. Projektet syftar till att revolutionera tillgängligheten för fotografier och vi är så glada över att ha nöjet att ha hand om registreringsprocessen.
QR-koder blivit ett hjälpmedel som effektiviserar diverse processer inom många olika branscher, varav evenemangshantering är en del. QR-koder gör det inte bara enklare att hålla koll på dina deltagare utan bidrar även till en sömlös upplevelse både för dig som arrangör och för dina gäster. Låt oss gå igenom hur du kan maximera fördelarna med QR-koder i ditt eventplanerande redan idag.
Lärargalan, som anordnas av Stiftelsen Beata, syftar till att uppmärksamma lärarnas viktiga roll och ge dem den respekt och uppskattning de förtjänar. Vi på Invajo är stolta över att vara partners i denna fantastiska initiativ.
Tom Oleson, vår Senior Project Manager, hade förmånen att hålla en föreläsning om eventuppbyggnad för eventstudenter på Yrkeshögskolan SKY. Ett utmärkt tillfälle att dela värdefulla insikter med engagerade studenter.
Tom, vår Senior Project Manager, delar värdefulla insikter om vad du bör tänka på när du arrangerar stora konferenser. Vad ska du fokusera på först? Vilka är vanliga misstag som kan undvikas? Här kommer några viktiga faktorer att tänka på för att säkerställa ett framgångsrikt evenemang.
I slutet av juni hölls IUFRO på Stockholmsmässan. I det här inlägget ger vår COO, Andreas, insikter om evenemangets resultat. Andreas, var avgörande för att vägleda IUFRO från dess inledande skede till dess framgångsrika slutförande.
This post highlights our three latest conference apps from events held in August. Discover the wide range of features and possibilities our apps offer. Each app is fully customized to align with your brand, preferences, and guidelines.
För oss på Invajo var Kirurgveckan 2024 en viktig milstolpe i vår resa, eftersom detta var vårt 10 år som partner och leverantör till denna framstående konferens. Vi är verkligen glada över att ha haft möjlighet att vara en del av detta fantastiska evenemang ännu en gång! Vårt mål har alltid varit att förenkla och förbättra konferensupplevelsen för både arrangörer och deltagare, och vi hoppas att våra lösningar har bidragit till att uppnå detta under Kirurgveckan 2024. Att kunna erbjuda dessa tjänster och se dem fungera i praktiken är både spännande och givande för oss.
As a key partner in providing the conference app and abstract management system for the ISPCAN 2024 Congress, we are honored to support this important event, which focuses on preventing child abuse and neglect worldwide. The congress, held from August 18th to 21st at Uppsala Konsert & Kongress (UKK), gathered delegates from 73 countries.
Over two intensive days, more than 2,000 participants gathered in Malmö for Kommek 2024, and Invajo had the honor of being present and responsible for the entire registration process, the conference app, and check-in with badge printing. We would like to extend a big thank you to all the partners who contributed to this conference.
Vår nytillträdda CCO Tomas Bendz har varit i Almedalen, i detta inlägg delar han med sig av sina reflektioner och insikter över den framtid och det samhälle som håller på att växa fram. Det jag verkligen tar med mig hem från detta unika event är all den inspiration, energi och det enorma hopp och tro på framtiden jag fått av att möta alla fantastiska, engagerade, dedikerade och drivna människor jag fått äran att träffa.
Next weekend marks the opening of IUFRO 2024, where we are excited to be on-site, supporting various key aspects behind the scenes. As one of the most influential congresses in its field, IUFRO 2024 attracts over 4,000 delegates from academia, government, industry, organizations, and civil society. We are managing the abstract submissions, print-on-demand badging, E-poster system, and conference app. Our team is finalizing preparations, ensuring all equipment, including 15 print-on-demand stations, 30 E-poster screens, 30 iPads, and 30 laptops, is ready. We look forward to facilitating meaningful discussions and collaborations that will drive the advancement of global forestry initiatives.
The AI Nordic Powwow 2024 in Lund, organized by Skånemotor and Lund University, was a vibrant conference that brought together leading minds in artificial intelligence and technology. Invajo played a crucial role by managing registrations and providing a seamless conference app. Additionally, our 'Print on Demand' solution for participant badges and check-in streamlined the process, adding convenience and efficiency. The event was a testament to innovation and collaboration, and Invajo was honored to support and contribute to its success.
Invajo is thrilled to announce the acquisition of metaverse studio Around the Corner AB, a leader in immersive event technologies and AI. This partnership aims to revolutionize the future of meetings and events, leveraging Around the Corner's expertise in 3D environments and the metaverse. Together, we will create innovative, engaging digital experiences and cutting-edge business solutions, setting a new standard for virtual interactions.
Sara, our Project Manager and abstract specialist, provides an overview of the abstract system and highlights its benefits. With her extensive experience managing projects of varying scales for both Swedish and international clients, Sara enriches our team with a wealth of expertise.
With our new resource allocation in Invajo Beyond, you can use "drag-and-drop" functionality to easily group participants and allocate resources. This could involve dividing workshop groups, creating a table seating plan, room allocation, or other types of division. Imagination sets the limits, not the system.
Effektiv evenemangshantering är viktigare än någonsin för att främja kontakter, få kunskap, vårda relationer och driva försäljning. Kärnan i denna framgång ligger dels i strömlinjeformad kommunikation och sömlös datahantering. Det är där integrering av Invajo med Salesforce verkligen kan vara en gamechanger.
Tom represented Invajo at the 2024 ICCA Nordic chapter meeting last week. This year it took place in Odense, Denmark. Visit Fyn hosted and organized a very exciting gathering over three days, with a strong focus on AI, Robotics, and Sustainability.
Elevate your event page design with our newest addition: Template 3. Besides being a welcome refreshment to the feel of our pages, we also offer a couple of additional possibilities regarding content to display.
Transportforum is recognized as the largest conference in the Nordic region within the transportation sector. Me, Emelie, and Tom were present in Linköping in January where we provided on-site support regarding our abstract system, app, and digital poster screens.
Whether it's a simple Christmas lunch, a cozy breakfast, a grand celebration, or just a festive office gathering, Invajo will be your Christmas Elf here to help out!
Invajo attended Event Tech Live in London on November 15-16, providing us with an opportunity to stay in the loop on the buzzing trends in event tech across Europe. Read more about our experiences.
Experience our user-friendly page builder and build stylish landing pages without hassle. Invajo Beyond offers a great new way to design your landing pages.
Invajo Classic has undergone a delightful transformation, featuring a fresh new look with beautiful colors, rounded edges, and various enhancements, resulting in a more user-friendly and efficient experience for users to enjoy.
The concept of event management may not always be straightforward and can vary significantly from case to case. Event management may appear as a familiar term for those working within the industry, however, it's not always clear for everyone and it's definition might vary from one event to another.
Keep your email lists fresh by actively cleaning the list after a sendout. Use the built-in function to keep track of hard or soft bounces and make sure to bid those bounces farewell.
Is your job done once your participants leave your event? Far from it! This is the juncture where you craft additional value that will help you increase the ROI for your event and gain powerful insights for your next successful event.
Hosting events in a climate-friendly way is achievable and essential. Whether you're opting for virtual, in-person, or hybrid formats, following these tips can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your event. By making conscious choices and encouraging sustainable practices, we can contribute to a more eco-friendly event landscape.
In the world of event planning, success isn't solely determined by traditional marketing methods. Let your followers on social media do most of the work. Create a buzz around your upcoming event and get a larger audience. In four easy steps, you can use the power of social media to gain higher event participation.
Logging in serves as the gateway to your journey with us, which is why we've revamped the design of our login page. Furthermore, we've introduced a multitude of handy FAQ buttons and exciting updates to the survey module.
Invajo provide abstracts system for IUFRO World Congress XXVI, with the best results in the history of IUFRO World Congress with more than 5000 received abstracts.
Our developers have been busy adding a lot of great new features to Invajo Classic. Anonymous surveys, header image settings, participant email management, and a completely new event language to name a few of the updates.
In today's business world, seminars, meetings, and events are essential for promoting your brand. Studies show that events greatly influence purchasing decisions. Besides direct impact like selling during or directly after an event, here are some effective event strategies for boosting overall sales.
Ta sommarens event till nästa nivå. Planera aktiviteter som främjar teambuilding, kommunicera med deltagarna både före, under och efter eventet och skapa en minnesvärd upplevelse.
Vi listar tips och trix som hjälper dig med ditt nästa arrangemang!
“Framtidens Lärande Väst 2023” i Karlstad. En konferens som fokuserar på hur kommuner, skolor och lärare skall lyckas med digital skolutveckling och hur forskningen kan bidra.
Effective email communication is an indispensable component of successful event management. By segmenting your audience, crafting compelling subject lines, personalizing your emails, keeping them concise, maintaining consistent branding, providing clear CTAs, and automating timely messages, you can create engaging, informative, and impactful email campaigns. Remember, each email presents an opportunity to strengthen attendee engagement, drive registrations, and ultimately deliver a memorable event experience.
On June 12-14, the conference AIDSImpact 2023 will take place in Stockholm, coordinated by the local organizer Posithiva Gruppen and using Invajo. Ensuring that HIV remains on the global agenda will require focus and determination. The theme for AIDSImpact 2023 is therefore: Power for Action Now!
The World Aquatic Development Conference 2023, hosted in Lund, Sweden, drew more than 350 participants from 26 nations. Utilizing Invajo's virtual platform for live-streamed content and a dedicated conference app, the event delivered an enriched and interactive conference experience for all attendees.
Highlights of 10 key features that every event management booking system should have. These features include the ability to handle multiple event types, customizable registration forms, integration with payment processors, real-time reporting and analytics, easy communication with attendees, and more.
I met up with our client Flokk, a furniture design company, to discuss how they have made event marketing to business clients the cornerstone of their branding strategy. By catering to specific segments of their audience, they’re able to push change within the industry, find new potential customers and network — all at the same time. Read on for a concrete list of 7 ways to create brand presence through business events.
Invajo has extensive experience with academic and medical conferences. Our COO Andreas Andersson is interviewed about what makes us special within medical conferences and our system for managing abstracts.
When you’re putting on a live event, it’s important to make sure you have the right tools for the job. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 5 technical must-have tools for planning and hosting successful webinars, and 5 ways to fill your webinar with great content, reach the right audience and engage participants. With the right equipment and planning, you’ll be able to put on a high-quality event that will impress your audience and help you stand out from the competition!
Testa vår plattform för mötes- och eventhantering gratis och se vad vi kan göra för dig och hur du kan ta din eventhantering till nästa nivå. Ett enkelt sätt för dig och ditt team att komma igång inom några minuter, utan några krav. Starta din nya eventresa idag.
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