Design your booking page and ensure flawless branding with our new template

Elevate your event page design with our newest addition: Template 3. Besides being a welcomed refreshment to the feel of our pages, we also offer a couple of additional possibilities regarding content to display.

Access our new design template by selecting the third option under ”design”. Just like before, you will be asked to choose a banner/logo as your first step. An addition here is that your subpages will be visible on top of the banner section. Due to this, you now have to select what color the active and inactive links should have. What this means is basically setting a visualization of what color a sub page that is currently clicked on should have and what color the subpages that are not currently clicked or visited should have.

For the cover photo, we have some new dimensions that will be displayed, please take these sizing recommendation in to consideration when choosing your photo. You will also find the possibility to add a custom text on top of the cover photo, under the event name, to introduce your guests to your event at first glance. If you wish to hide the text and allow your cover photo to be the sole hero, that’s still possible of course.

Another brand new addition on this page is the possibility to section your page by adding another larger photo or video section. You’ll find this functionality right below the cover photo settings. Here, you can upload your photo, use a video link and even upload a video file to add more visual elements on your page. If desired, you also have the possibility to add a custom text field on top of this section by activating the ”call to action text”. If you want to highlight the upcoming booking step further, you can also ad a ”book” option here.

Just like before, you can include color schemes and fonts to ensure that the page allows your branding to shine through.

Outside of the new settings available under ”design”, there’s also a brand new addition to be found under ”content”.

You can your sub pages just like when working with template 1 or 2, but now we also allow you to set a background color for each sections. Once again, this allows you to add visual effects and segment the page in a nice way. Remember to have visibility conditions in mind when choosing your color schemes.

Another new feature is our speaker section, where you can activate visible appealing part of your page to introduce speakers, sponsors or whatever seem relevant. Add a headline and a describing text, if you wish, and move on to introducing. Add a name, a title or biography and some contact information. Lastly, upload a picture. All inputs will automatically be displayed in a structured way with circles containing each pictures.

If you don’t have access to any of the above mentioned functions, do not hesitate to reach out to us! We’d love to give you information regarding your current subscription plan and the possibilities we offer.