Invajo event glossary

The event industry is constantly evolving and with this glossary we hope to clarify confusing jargon and concepts. Hopefully it will make you make the most of our systems.

Event marketing

Marketing is a crucial aspect for a public event to promote and attract attendees. It can create awareness, generate interest, and maximaze attendance. Event marketing allows organizers to reach their target audience, build excitement, and foster engagement, leading to a more memorable and impactful event experience.

Tips for a successful event marketing campaign:

  1. Know your target audience: Understand your target audience's preferences, interests, and pain points. Tailor your marketing messages and channels to resonate with them effectively.
  2. Create compelling content: Develop engaging and persuasive content to promote your event. Try to align this content with your booking page and invitation email. Utilize a mix of content formats, such as social media posts, videos, blog articles, and infographics, to captivate your audience. Use images in your campaigns.
  3. Utilize social media: Leverage various social media platforms to reach a broader audience and create buzz around the event. Engage with followers, use event-specific hashtags, and collaborate with influencers or industry partners to extend your reach.
  4. Email Marketing: Build an email list of potential attendees and send personalized invitations and updates about the event. Use email marketing to nurture relationships and encourage registrations. But be aware of privacy policys and gdpr.
  5. Offer early bird discounts: Encourage early registrations by offering discounted rates or exclusive perks for early bird attendees. This can create a sense of urgency and boost ticket sales.
  6. Partner with sponsors: Collaborate with sponsors who can help promote the event to their networks. This not only extends your reach but also adds credibility to your event.
  7. If suitable use online advertising: Invest in online advertising through platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn Ads to target specific demographics and interest groups relevant to your event.
  8. Use old events. If you have done events in the past, and have permission to, use participants from previous events to promote your event. But be aware of privacy policys and if you have permission from the previous participants to promote new events.
  9. Engage with event attendees: Foster a sense of community by engaging with event attendees before, during, and after the event. Respond to queries promptly and create opportunities for networking and discussion. By making attendees into promotors you get a powerful word of mouth channel.
  10. Measure and analyze: Track the performance of your event marketing efforts and measure key metrics such as website traffic, registration rates, and social media engagement. Analyze the data to identify areas of improvement for future events.
  11. Follow up after the event: After the event, send out surveys or feedback forms to gather insights from attendees. Use this feedback to improve future events and nurture relationships with attendees.

Event marketing is essential for creating excitement, driving attendance, and achieving the event's objectives. By implementing a well-thought-out marketing campaign and engaging with your target audience effectively, you can maximize the success of your event and leave a lasting impression on attendees.

We at Invajo can help you achieve effective marketing campaigns with our tools, just reach out and we will help you.